Saturday, July 23, 2011

day 5.

Day 4 after posting - made a pitcher of soursoup lemonade. I'd bought two cans of "frozen soursoup," not knowing what that would be - juice etc - and it ended up being frozen pulp! Very cool. So a can of that went into a pitcher of lemonade. Soursop aka guanabana - tropical fruit with that creamy pineapple flavor so many tropical fruits have.

Day 5

French press pot of coffee, mixed with cold-brew pu-erh tea.

Caitlin is coming this weekend, so let's see - what have I got already made? Ground beef taco filling, onion dip, leftover soup from dinner last night, smoked pork. I have plenty of stuff to make salad, plus watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, peaches, nectarines, apricots, kiwis, and a cherimoya. Pitcher of soursop lemonade and about two glasses of watermelon-cardamom limeade. There are sodas in the fridge, and Limonatas for Pimms cups, and cubes of frozen strawberry juice in the freezer.

Also some Ring Dings in the freezer, because it's a hundred and thirtybastard degrees out. Strawberry-yuzu sorbet, too, and a couple meringue cookies I can make Eton mess from.

That might be sufficient - if not I'll thaw some chicken or hamburgers or something.

Speaking of hamburgers - I have a pimento cheeseburger as an early lunch / late breakfast. Couple practical reasons for this - one, the heat hasn't reached inside yet; two, it's the messiest thing I'll cook today, so after I eat I can wipe down the stove and the counters, run the Roomba, and cleaning's took care of.

Let me tell you what all burger blogs have already told you - Martin potato rolls are the absolute best thing to put your burgers on. I learned this from my mother - Martin's breads weren't carried here when I was a kid, but expanded their distribution sometime in the 13 years before I moved back.

Awendaw to go with dinner - awendaw is kind of like a cornbread made with grits and cornmeal. I happen to have both blue cornmeal and blue corn grits, so it's a blue awendaw. I add a whole sliced Vidalia onion to the batter - haven't tried that before, just have a good feeling about it.

I also slice a few thin cucumber slices and toss them into a jar of pickled ramps and fennel - quick pickle slices which, if they come out nicely, will go on fried chicken sandwiches for dinner tonight.

Dinner WAS going to be fried chicken sandwiches with pickles, greens, and awendaw - but I mysteriously came down with painful stomach cramps a couple hours before dinner, for the second time in a week. So we had leftover soup instead, putting the chicken sandwiches off until Saturday lunch.

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